Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Declutter Challenge - Day 4

It's Day 4 of my month-long personal Declutter Challenge! Today I plan to declutter the cabinet that holds all of our snack foods, cereals, and cooking ingredients. I have a pantry established in a closet, where I keep unopened boxes and canned goods, but once we open a package, I keep it in the kitchen cabinet. Over time, this cabinet gets in a mess, and it's time to tackle that mess today! This week I'm working mainly in the kitchen because it's the zone for this week. If I have a bit of extra time, I'll still work on those file drawers in the credenza; I don't want to leave them entirely alone now that I've gotten started on them. So join me if you can. I'll leave a Mr. Linky if you'd like to leave a link to your post about what you decluttered today.

Update: Snack cabinet is now neatly arranged where we can actually find a snack! Before and after, which I finally got to download to my computer:


Anonymous said...

You've been accomplishing some good things, Susan! Good work!

Paula said...

I haven't been posting about the decluttering going on at my house, but I wanted you to know that I've been diligent each day since you started.

Keep up the good work! :)

Susan said...

Thanks ladies! Way to go, Mrs. C, on decluttering!