Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Declutter Challenge - Day 5 and Zone

I'm combining two posts into one. I'm already finished with my housework for the day!

I spent a good deal of time in the kitchen this morning. I washed the dishes, which is becoming more common now that one of my children is basically out of the house many days of the week. He finds odd jobs to keep him busy, and he has been hired by a temp agency in WA, just across the border, to do some factory work, which should start next week. So after too many years to count, I don't have three kitchen helpers, and I'm taking up the slack. Plus my daughter is sick this week with the flu, so she's not able to do her work either. Boy, am I sidetracked! What I was going to say is that, after I washed the dishes, I decided to go ahead and finish my work in the kitchen instead of having to come back to it. My declutter challenge for today was to clear out my baking cabinet. This is where I keep all my baking supplies. It's right next to the stove, so it's easy to grab what I need. It took me closer to 30 minutes to get this cabinet squared away. One thing that I changed was to "containerize" my spices and smaller baking supplies. I already had most of the spices together in a couple of containers, but every time I bake, I get out the salt, baking powder, and baking soda - three containers to take out and put back every time. So today I put those three items together in one basket - get out and put away in one motion! Plus it looks neater in the cabinet. You can see it on the left of the bottom shelf. I learned this concept from Laura at I'm An Organizing Junkie! Thanks, Laura! I think it will be a step-saver for me! Here's the before and after on my cabinet (I also put all my chocolate squares, chocolate chips, etc. together in one container, on the top shelf):

Next, the Zone cleaning for this week is in the kitchen. Today I wiped down all the fronts of the cabinets, fridge, and stove. There were some pretty serious splops around my kitchen, but they've all been contained and we are now splop-free! ;) That took about 20-25 minutes, since I was doing a thorough job. I also cleaned out my fridge this morning. And now I'm done. And tired.

If you're decluttering with me and you blog about it, link to your post on the Mr. Linky below.


Melissa said...

Susan, I am really enjoying following your decluttering efforts! Keep up the good work, and keep showing us the photos. They are inspiring!

Susan said...

Thanks for the encouragement!!! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I keep finding myself opening drawers and cabinets just to look at them! LOL