Mrs. Wilt's Anti-Procrastination Challenge really got me warmed up to the idea of working on those things that just keep getting put off! I decided to follow FlyLady's lead and make every Wednesday my Anti-Procrastination Day. Each week I'll post what I've done that I had been putting off.
Today I plan to work on writing a letter. This letter has been on my heart since the beginning of the year. An acquaintance of ours was killed in a car accident right before Christmas. She was the mother of seven children, the oldest of which is near the same age as my daughter. This young lady is also just a year or two younger than I was when my own mother passed away. So I have been thinking about writing her a letter of encouragement, but I kept thinking "what do I have to offer?" Then I read a devotional by Elisabeth Elliott which discussed leaving footprints for others, and one way to do that is by our writings. The Lord spoke to my heart that day and helped me realize that, although my young friend is hurting right now and may not even want to hear from anyone, someday she's going to need that footprint on the path to step into. She may even need it now. I still have qualms about writing this letter, but I'm going to do it. That's my challenge for this week, and I'll update this entry after my letter is written, along with any other things that I find to do today that I've been putting off.
Leave me a comment if you do something today that you've been putting off. I'd love to hear from you!
Update: I wrote the letter. In my eyes, it was a pathetic attempt at offering comfort to someone who is hurting, but I know that God wanted me to write it. I hope I never have to write another one like it again!
Susan, I hope you do for sure decide to follow thru on writing your letter. I would think it would be such an encouragement to the young lady you're writing to especially being able to identify with her situation. And...if the Lord has spoken to your heart about writing about your experiences, then I know He will use it for His glory. Good for you for thinking of this and making it your goal!
Susan, your post brought tears to my eyes. I am praying that your letter will bring God's touch of love into that young girl's life right now.
Deb and Jodi, thank you for your encouragement. I'm not the type of person who usually thinks that my experience has been something that someone else would be helped by. So your words were a blessing to me today. I'm praying that my letter will reach B. at just the right time. Wes is sending it to her dad for him to make the decision about when - or if - to give it to her.
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