Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Up For Another Challenge?

Several months ago, I tried to challenge myself to declutter somewhere in my home for just 15 minutes a day. I flopped! However, Mrs. Wilt's recent challenge has spurred me on, and I'm ready to try it again. Because February is a short month, I'm challenging myself once again to choose an area in my home each day in which to spend 15 minutes clearing out the clutter. I have a seemingly endless supply of those spaces, so I don't think I'll have trouble finding something to toss each day.

What I'd like to do is have you join me! I'm going to try my hand at installing a Mr. Linky and let you list your blog entry describing what you decluttered each day. The only rule is that you have to spend at least 15 minutes decluttering - that's it. Post an entry on your blog - or leave a comment here on my blog if you don't have one - then come here and add the link to your post on the Mr. Linky for that day. Tell us what you decluttered, weird things you found lurking in dark places, or great finds you came across in the bottom of a drawer or under the couch cushions! It'll be fun to see how much we can accomplish in 20 days!


Anonymous said...

I'd love the challenge, but I probably wouldn't be able to blog every single day about what I had done. :) I like your idea though! :)

Susan said...

Tammy, every single day is not necessary - just whenever you can! I'm only holding myself to every single day, but only because I want to challenge myself this month. Join us when you can.

Tammy said...

Sounds like a great idea! Looking forward to it!