Monday, August 11, 2008

We Made It!

We made it through our busy weekend! Saturday and Sunday were two of the busiest days I've had in a long time. I have lots to tell you, but I have so little time to blog right now. We're a homeschooling family, and school starts in three weeks. My two boys, who have been away this summer, will be home next week. The week after that, we have a large group of friends arriving to spend one day with us, then my husband and two boys will be flying to Lancaster, CA to drop the oldest boy off at college and drive his car back home (he stored his car there this summer because he was traveling with a singing group from the college). So this week is all the time I have to finish school preparations, because I want to enjoy the time off with our boys before school starts.

All that to say . . . I'm in the process of planning the week, and blogging will fit in there somewhere. Just not so much today. Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow or Wednesday with something worth reading!

1 comment:

Ruth said...

I'm right there with you. We start school next Monday and I'm getting ready this week. My lazy summer days of sewing and blogging are coming to an end. :)