Tuesday, August 05, 2008

The Remedy for Real

Well, I kept it real on Monday and showed you my hot spots around the house. Today I spent about 30 minutes total putting out those hot spots.

I set the timer for 2 minutes for my desk, but that wasn't long enough, so I set it for 3 more minutes. This is my desk now:

And here is my sewing area:

My husband surprised me by clearing off the cedar chest at the foot of our bed, and I put the clothes away in just a couple of minutes. I don't have a picture, though, because my husband turned right around and began decluttering his filing cabinet, with my daughter helping. When I walked into our room, there were papers literally covering every inch of our bed and the cedar chest! It took them a couple of hours, and now it's all clear again, but I was finished taking pics by then.

And our dresser is still a mess. It probably will be for the rest of the week. Remember, my husband is a pastor whose office is also our bedroom, and this week we are preparing for a special Friend Day at our church. He is preparing lots of things for that service in his office (our bedroom), so this week will be messy in there. This is part of keepin' it real. Real life requires a little give and take; this week it's my turn to give!

If you have an area that's a mess, set the timer and put 15 minutes into it. You might be surprised at what a difference 15 minutes can make!


Anonymous said...

Wow, great job Susan, your work surely paid off because it all looks fantastic! (o:

Susan said...

Thanks, Michele! The best part is that it only takes a few minutes - my kind of job! ;)