Friday, August 08, 2008

Our Big Weekend

Our big weekend is almost here! Our son and his tour group are driving into Canada today. They'll be with another church in the area tonight, then they'll come to our house tomorrow afternoon through Sunday afternoon. And Sunday is our Friend Day!

This week has gone fairly smoothly as far as planning and getting things done. I've been working in the kitchen zone all week and adding other little areas as I see them, mostly just straightening up in general. Sometimes I don't see things until I try looking through someone else's eyes - like a group of young men staying in my house for the weekend!

I've lived by lists all week. Each day I've written down the three most important things to get done that day, whether it's house-related or some other aspect of life, and I've been happy to cross those off my list each day. I'm working on a post in my head about this principle I've recently learned of getting those most important things done first. It forces me to prioritize my life according to what's happening that day, and then it's easier to get to those other things that need to be done but aren't quite as urgent. I love to read about time management and try new things to see what works best! Now I just need to apply all I learn and actually do it!

I'll be busy this weekend, but hopefully I can work on some things for next week. Have a great weekend!

Photo by Great Beyond


Anonymous said...

I eagerly await that post! (o:

Debbie J said...

Susan, the three things a day list sounds wonderful to me! I usually fill up the page and feel like a failure when I don't get it all done. I need time management tips!!!

Tori Leslie said...

Love that photo, that's about the extent of most of my lists.

I love the 3 a day idea. Oh yea and I'm the same way, I tend to not see something that needs to be done around the house until we have guests coming. Hope you had a productive weekend

Tammy said...

I thought that list pictured was your list. LOL But I don't think you have a cat, and would you really SHAVE IT??? :-)

I love lists, I'm a list-o-maniac! They work well for me as long as I use them! :-)

Susan said...

Michele, I hope to get to it soon. Summer is supposed to be lazy and hazy; it's just been crazy for us! The ministry doesn't stop for summer break! ;)

Debbie, I am loving my 3-things-a-day. It helps me focus on the most important things that day. The smaller things fill in the gaps. I hope to write more about it this week.

Tori, there were so many things I cringed about this weekend with the house full of people! And I had been cleaning all week! LOL

Tammy, I'd have a cat in a heartbeat if I could, but I wouldn't shave it, no. The key to lists is actually looking at them - something I forget to do! LOL