Friday, August 15, 2008

In All Labour . . .

The Seamstress or, Young Woman Working  by Francoise Duparc
The Seamstress or, Young Woman Working

This post was originally published July 14, 2005

Pro 14:23 In all labour there is profit: but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury (poverty).
We can sit and read about FlyLady's system (or any other, for that matter) all day, but until we get up and do something, there's no profit from it. In all labour there is profit: housework done incorrectly still blesses our families!


Anonymous said...

I just love the book of Proverbs and you've tied this verse nicely with our home keeping duties. (o:

Susan said...

I have so many little verses in Proverbs that I've applied to homemaking over the years. The Bible is relevant to every part of our lives (I know you believe that too!), and part of my purpose in posting on this blog is to show that!