Wednesday, July 16, 2008


They say confession is good for the soul. So I need to make a confession: I didn't do much yesterday. I ran some important errands for my husband, called the doctor's office for an appointment, went to the library, got a prescription filled, watched a movie with my daughter; the rest of the day I piddled around surfing the internet and reading. That's what happens when I don't plan very well . . . or when I plan, but don't follow through with my plans. Which is precisely what happened yesterday. I made the plans, wrote them down, then didn't work them.

That's why all the homemaking ideas, plans, and schedules that we try don't work. We don't fail to plan; we just fail to work the plan. And sometimes that's what homemaking is all about - work. The biblical model of the ideal homemaker, the Proverbs 31 Woman, was a worker: ". . . she worketh willingly with her hands . . . and eateth not the bread of idleness," taken from verses 13 and 27 (emphasis mine).

There is no magic formula. Being a good homemaker may come naturally for some, may have to be taught to others, but the principle is the same for all - work. So now I'm off to do just that.

Plan your work; work your plan.

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