Monday, July 07, 2008

Home Blessing Hour

I'm reopening this blog after more than a year! I just didn't have the motivation to blog to this one and my everyday blog, ByGrace, so I dropped this one until I felt that urge to write about homemaking again. That urge has hit. My home has gotten into somewhat of a mess again, although not nearly as bad as before FlyLady, and I felt the need to get back into the groove again, using FlyLady's system. It worked for me before, and I have no doubt it will again.

Having said that, today I began with my morning routine and my weekly Home Blessing Hour. I'm a bit rusty at the HBH, not having done it consistently for quite a while, but I did get quite a bit done:
  • Cleaned our ensuite tub, sink, toilet, and mirror
  • Mopped ensuite and main bath floors
  • Picked up weekend clutter in our bedroom and put away some clothes
  • Dusted all the furniture in the house with my Swiffer Duster
  • Straightened my sewing area
  • Picked up weekend clutter from the dining room and living room
  • Swept and mopped kitchen, front entry, and back hall
  • Watered plants on the back porch
  • Swept front porch
I went over by an extra ten minutes because I didn't want to stop with just sweeping the downstairs floors; I wanted to get them mopped too. I'm still amazed at how much work can be accomplished in a short amount of time when I stay focused on the work at hand.

Now I'm ready to do my Zone work for the day: Kelly's mission of cleaning the counters. I also plan to declutter cabinets for 15 minutes. That will be a grand total of about two hours of housework for the day, outside of the normal cooking and cleaning up that is part of everyday life. Then I'll be finished with housework, having done a reasonable amount and made our home neat and ready for the week ahead. I hope your day is productive as well!

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