Monday, March 05, 2007

Baked Oatmeal

I saw this recipe for Baked Oatmeal last night on The Lazy Organizer late last night. Lara said she was going to do hers in the crockpot on low overnight, so I decided to try it too. I whipped it up, turned it on low, then went to bed. I left a note for our oldest son, who leaves for work at 5:30, to have some if he wanted to. He didn't. He's not very fond of oatmeal! By the time we ate at our normal time of 9:00, it was too done. It tasted very good, but the edges were dried out. I put a little milk in mine and it was great. I'm going to try it again next week, but just bake it in the oven like the recipe directs. Wes, as he usually does, had a suggestion: turn it into a dessert by baking it in the afternoon, then adding some applesauce to it. That man can turn anything into a dessert! LOL

So the recipe tastes great, but I need to tweak it if I'm going to use the crockpot. Any suggestions?

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