Monday, February 12, 2007

Declutter Challenge - Day 8

I'm a bit late getting this posted today! It was late last night when I was tinkering around with this blog, and I got so aggravated with it that I've been messing around with blogs all day. I did, however, spend about an hour cleaning up and decluttering.

This week is Zone 3 - the main bathroom and one other room, if you follow FlyLady's plan. My daughter cleaned up the bathroom super well on Saturday, so there's not so much to do in there this week (thanks, Beth!), so today I cleaned the light fixture, rearranged some of the decorations (that's not saying much - there's hardly any decorating in there), and decluttered the vanity drawers and cabinets. I threw away things like kids' old batter-powered toothbrushes. Now why would I keep those, when my youngest is 14 and most likely will not get a thrill out of brushing her teeth with a princess toothbrush?! I put a little basket in the drawer where all her hair things are, so she can organize those, and I also put some little things, like dental floss and sink stoppers in containers in the other drawer. Even thought these were little things, it looks better in the drawers, which makes me feel better. Plus I know exactly what's in them now.

While I'm thinking about FlyLady, I didn't go to her site at all last week, and when I did go there on Friday, I scrolled down to the new habit for the month of February: declutter for 15 minutes a day! I didn't know that would be the focus this month when I decided to do my own declutter challenge. Great minds think alike? Or just coincidence? ;)

Here's a Mr. Linky just in case you've posted about your own decluttering and would like to share!

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