Friday, February 09, 2007

Declutter Challenge - Day 7

Good morning! It's the last day this week for my personal Declutter Challenge. Today I plan to declutter and reorganize my coffee- and tea-making cupboard. There are more things in there than just tea and coffee, but that is its primary use. I've been finding several smaller items that I'd like to containerize to make their use and storage a little more practical, so I might make a trip to the dollar store this afternoon to buy some baskets. My biggest problem is knowing exactly how many and what size. Maybe I should take a look through my freshly organized cabinets before I go and make a list of what I need. What a novel idea! LOL I may also re-organize what I call my Tupperware cabinet, although there's not much Tupperware left in it. It doesn't need decluttering, but over time it gets messy and could use straightening. I'll be back later today to report on my progress.

Thanks to all of you who have commented and/or sent e-mails, letting me know that you've been encouraged to do some decluttering yourself. It blesses my heart to know that I've been an encouragement to someone! Every little bit of accomplishment is important and blesses you and your family! I'll continue to leave a Mr. Linky box below each post so you can share your success with us if you've blogged about it.

Update: I got both cabinets cleared out and reorganized. I took out all our little boxes of tea and put them in a pretty basket on the counter. Then I put all the coffee stuff together, next to the hot chocolate and Crystal Light-type drink containers. I also got a little basket to put the few medications in that we keep downstairs next to the sink, and put it in the cabinet in easy reach.

I did go to the dollar store for some containers. I got a long flat basket for the longer cooking utensils, to replace the two shoe boxes I had them in. I need one more small, narrow basket for that drawer, to put small gadgets in. Right now they're in a Tupperware container. The extra baskets I'll put away till I find exactly where to use them.

I didn't get any extra work done in the Zone today. I had another low blood sugar episode, so I ended up sleeping part of the day. I'm going to have to get this stuff under control!

Have a great weekend! I'm looking forward to next week. I'll have to think about what to declutter next week. The kitchen was easy, because it had lots of spaces needing attention!

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