Friday, February 02, 2007

Declutter Challenge - Day 2

Good morning! My declutter goal for today is to continue working on the credenza. It has 4 regular-size desk drawers and 2 file-size drawers in addition to the middle section that I decluttered yesterday. The file drawers need the most attention, but I'll work on all of them. Hopefully I'll get at least one drawer done during my 15-minute challenge. I hope you'll join in sometime during the month! I'll be back later today to report on what I accomplished this morning.

Update: It took a while to get here today. Right after I wrote the paragraph above, I received an unexpected phone call - not unusual in a ministry family - which threw the rest of my day off. That call was followed by another, then another . . . and I had grocery shopping to do! Grocery shopping is now done, things have settled down, I've eaten supper, and finally spent my 15-minutes challenge on the file drawer in which I keep my Sunday school materials. Some of the books and visual aids were just thrown in while some were in folders. Now they're all in folders in the order that they occur in the Bible, along with a few seasonal and missionary lessons in their own folders. I feel better having everything corralled in one place, and where I can easily add to my materials in the future.


Anonymous said...

Some days are like that. We need to remember to be flexible and yield, as you did, to God's plans instead of stubbornly clinging to our own. Way to go! I'm glad you got to the drawer at the end of the day.

Susan said...

Aww, thank you, Copper's Wife! As a pastor's wife, I've learned that no two days are alike any more, and I'm gradually learning that most interruptions will occur when I need to be busy and just got busy! LOL It's a crazy weekend!