Thursday, January 25, 2007

Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Thursday

I found myself busy today, doing things that weren't necessarily on my list of things to do. Do you ever have days like that? Most of the things I ended up doing were people-related, such as talking with my husband about church plans (we celebrate our church's second anniversary on February 4th!), talking to my dad on the Yahoo phone thingy, cooking, making some curriculum adjustments . . . stuff that needs attention when it needs attention, you know! My regular housework got done; it was just the extra things that didn't get done.

All that to say . . . I didn't get a lot done on the anti-procrastination front. But I did get something done! I took FlyLady's advice and just spent 15 minutes. My file cabinet has been overflowing for some time now, and I've even started a new set of files in my desk because I couldn't cram anything else in the cabinet, so tonight I spent 15 minutes on the top drawer of my file cabinet. That's it. But you know what? I found some papers that could be shredded, and I found an important document that I didn't realize was in there and filed it with our other important documents. I feel pretty good about that. The thought had flitted through my brain a couple of times over the past two years wondering where this particular paper was in case we needed it. I had hoped that my husband knew where it was. Now I know where it is and I won't be wondering in the back of my mind anymore!

Have you seen what others are achieving during Mrs. Wilt's Anti-Procrastination Challenge? Go take a look!

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