Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Tuesday

Mrs. Wilt is holding an Anti-Procrastination Challenge this week, and I'm accepting the challenge! I've been dinking away at my clutter, 15 minutes at a time, so I'll just keep doing that, but there's the fun of sharing it with other procrastinators homemakers and the chance to win a prize, to boot! Won't you join us? The details of the challenge are right here, and today's challenge, with others joining through Mr. Linky, is here.

For my Tuesday challenge, I graded a bunch of school papers that I've been hoarding on my desk for weeks now. Grades are due this week, so I had to get that done! I still have Math papers to grade for my daughter, and I will get to them tomorrow. I also took a few minutes and decluttered the other papers on my desk that were mixed in among the school papers, and then I caught up on grading our Switched-On Schoolhouse subjects. Now we're almost all caught up!

Another declutter project I had been putting off was my dresser drawers and nightstand. So I set my timer for 15 minutes, and you know what? It took me all of 6 minutes to straighten those drawers and throw away a few stray papers! Why was I putting it off?!

I didn't take pictures today, because I didn't know I was participating in a challenge yet, but tomorrow I will. Jump in and join us, then make sure you let Mrs. Wilt know about it. See ya there!

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